Home Page

Welcome to the

My name is Lazarus, and this is my website. You can check out the links up top to see some cool stuff, or you can check some less cool but still important links to the left. The update box will tell you when I last updated this page and/or site. and you can read the history of this site's updates in the devlog down below.


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DATE: 2/18/2024, 8:41PM

i fixed some issues with audio not playing- i was using external links, so i downloaded everything i was using instead and uploaded it to neocities; im a supporter, i may as well use the space! otherwise just working on the media page a bit. nothing major or exciting. maybe ill wrap it up mostly though so i can move onto another major page!

DATE: 2/2/2024, 5:02PM

made this devlog lol. previous updates were mostly the wholesale creation of pages suchs as index, home (this), about, and not_found. work began on media a week or so ago but has been on pause. work will resume soon. i will continue to update this log with every site update, and each entry will remain up and unchanged. the update box up top will also be maintained but will only show the most recent changes.

as always, thank you sadgrl.online!